
Sources by Dynasty
Sources on Chinese fashion history sorted by Dynasty
Last updated: 5 March 2024
Spring-Autumn/Warring States/Qin/Han
James, J. M. (1986). Silk, China and the drawloom. Archaeology, 39(5), 64-65.
Kinney, A. B. (2014). Exemplary Women of Early China. New York: Columbia University Press.
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Kuhn, D. (1995). Silk weaving in ancient China: From geometric figures to patterns of pictorial likeness. Chinese Science(12), 77-114.
Li, B., Liu, A. D., Li, Q., & Yang, X. M. (2013). Study on the evolution of the looms in ancient China. Paper presented at the Advanced Materials Research.
Lullo, S. (2019). Trailing Locks and Flowing Robes: Dimensions of Beauty during China's Han dynasty (206 bc – ad 220). Costume, 53, 231-255. doi:10.3366/cost.2019.0122
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刘乐乐. (2014). 从 “深衣” 到 “深衣制”——礼仪观的革变. 文化遗产(5), 111-119.
朱歌敏. (2010). 关中地区秦墓出土玉器初探 (中央民族大学).
李永珍. (2019). 内蒙古岱海地区春秋战国时期女性墓葬出土装饰品研究 (内蒙古师范大学).
李芽. (2008). 汉代化妆文化综述. 戏剧艺术(6), 100-106.
梁婉婷. (2020). 周代女性所从事的工作研究 (Master’s Thesis, 渤海大学).
梁松石. (2003). 汉代妇女眉妆粉饰谈. 北华大学学报: 社会科学版, 4(1), 34-38.
秦雯洁. (2020). 楚墓出土玉器的礼制内涵研究 (华中师范大学).
邱春林. (2007). 《礼记》 的深衣制度与设计. 东南文化(4), 81-85.
闫虹如. (2015). 张家川马家塬战国墓出土装饰品研究 (西北师范大学).
陈佳, & 王保国. (2018). 春秋战国时期重美色的社会风尚与男性审美视角. 甘肃社会科学, 4.
Six Dynasties
Allen, J. R. (1996). Dressing and Undressing the Chinese Woman Warrior. positions: asia critique, 4(2), 343-379. doi:10.1215/10679847-4-2-343
Altenburger, R. (2005). Is It Clothes that Make the Man? Cross-Dressing, Gender, and Sex in Pre-Twentieth-Century Zhu Yingtai Lore. Asian Folklore Studies, 64(2), 165-205. http://www.jstor.org/stable/30030419
Hinsch, B. (2018). Women in early medieval China. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
Holcombe, C. (2013). THE XIANBEI IN CHINESE HISTORY. Early Medieval China, 2013(19), 1-38. doi:10.1179/1529910413Z.0000000006
Junxi, L., & Feng, G. (2005). Northern Wei Coffin Panel Paintings from Zhijiapu. Chinese Archaeology, 5(1), 209-217.
Lan, F. (2003). The Female Individual and the Empire: A Historicist Approach to Mulan and Kingston's Woman Warrior. Comparative Literature, 55(3), 229-245. doi:10.2307/4125407
Lingley, K. A. (2010). NATURALIZING THE EXOTIC: On the Changing Meanings of Ethnic Dress in Medieval China. Ars Orientalis, 38, 50-80. http://www.jstor.org/stable/29550020
Liu, I.-c. i. (2002). Shih-shuo Hsin-yü: A New Account of Tales of the World (R. B. Mather, Trans. R. B. Mather Ed. 2nd ed. Vol. 95). Michigan: Center for Chinese Studies The University of Michigan Ann Arbor.
Pearce, S. (2008). The Way of the Warrior in Early Medieval China, Examined through the "Northern Yuefu". Early Medieval China, 2008(2), 87-113. doi:10.1179/152991008790012862
Shen, C. W. (2011). Zhongguo gudai fushi yanjiu [Ancient Chinese clothing research] (1st ed.). Shanghai: Shanghai Bookstore.
Sheng, A. (2012). Introduction from the Guest Editor: Women's Work, Virtue and Space: Change from Early to Late Imperial China. East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine(36), 9-38. http://www.jstor.org/stable/43151276
Wong, D. C. (2000). Women as Buddhist art patrons during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Between Han and Tang: Religious art and archaeology in a transformative period, 535-566.
古方. (2005). 曹魏王粲所创玉佩样式及佩法. 中国历史文物(3), 27-32.
宋丙玲. (2007). 淺論魏晉南北朝時期服飾中的性別轉換現象. 蘭州學刊 Lanzhou Academic Journal, 10.
左骏. (2007). 魏晋南北朝玉佩研究. 故宫博物院院刊(6), 52-67.
林秀蓉. (2011). 禮教與情教-馮夢龍〈李秀卿義結黃貞女〉扮裝意涵探析. [Between Moral Codes and Affection Codes: An In-depth Analysis of the Connotations of Gender Disguise in Feng Meng-long's Work "Li Hsiu-qing Being Brother to the Chaste Woman Huang Shan-cong"]. 高雄師大學報:人文與藝術類(30), 65-80. doi:10.7060/knuj-ha.201106.0065
梅家玲. (1997). 依違於婦德與才性之間:《世說新語·賢媛篇》的女性風貌. [Fluctuations between "Feminine Virtue" and "Talent and Character": the Portrayal of Women in "Worthy Ladies," a New Account of Tales of the World]. 婦女與兩性學刊(8), 1-28. doi:10.6255/jwgs.1997.8.1
蘇日娜, & 李娟. (2021). 多民族服飾融合與中華文化認同——以魏晉南北朝時期為中心的考察. 中南民族大學學報(人文社會科學版) Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities(Humanities and Social Sciences), 09.
辜嘉麗. (2017). 試論魏晉時期的女性風貌-以《世說新語》為例. 問學集(22), 185-200.
Chen, B. (2017). Material Girls: Silk and Self-Fashioning in Tang China (618–907). Fashion Theory, 21(1), 5-33. doi:10.1080/1362704X.2016.1138679
Chen, B. (2019). Empire of style: Silk and fashion in Tang China. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Hinsch, B. (2019). Women in Tang China. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Kuhn, D., Chen, J., Huang, N., Li, W., Peng, H., & Zhao, F. (2012). Chinese silks. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press.
Liu, B. (2015). Physical Beauty and Inner Virtue: 'Shinü tu'in the Song Dynasty. Journal of Song-Yuan Studies, 45, 1-57.
Sheng, A. (2012). Introduction from the Guest Editor: Women's Work, Virtue and Space: Change from Early to Late Imperial China. East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine(36), 9-38. http://www.jstor.org/stable/43151276
Sheng, A. (2013). Determining the Value of Textiles in the Tang Dynasty In Memory of Professor Denis Twitchett (1925–2006). Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 23(2), 175-195. doi:10.1017/S1356186313000151
Vainker, S. J. (2004). Chinese silk: A cultural history. New Jersey: British Museum Press.
左丘萌, & 末春. (2020). 中國妝束. 大唐女兒行. 北京: 清華大學出版社.
楊雅琪. (2006). 從《全唐詩》看唐代婦女服飾 (碩, 國立臺灣師範大學, 台北市).
陕西省考古研究院. (2015). 唐李倕墓发掘简报. 考古与文物, 6, 3-22.
Ebrey, P. B. (1993). The inner quarters: Marriage and the lives of Chinese women in the Sung period. California: Univ of California Press.
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Hibarly, S. S. W. (2017). An analysis of ladies' normal dressing and their appreciation of clothes and accessories in Song dynasty [宋代仕女的日常衣飾及相關審美觀探析]. (Master’s, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong).
Hinsch, B. (2020). Women in Song and Yuan China. London: Rowman & Littlefield.
Kuhn, D. (2009). The Age of Confucian Rule: The Song Transformation of China. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Kuhn, D., Chen, J., Huang, N., Li, W., Peng, H., & Zhao, F. (2012). Chinese silks. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press.
Liu, B. (2015). Physical Beauty and Inner Virtue: 'Shinü tu'in the Song Dynasty. Journal of Song-Yuan Studies, 45, 1-57.
Shen, C. W. (2011). Zhongguo gudai fushi yanjiu [Ancient Chinese clothing research] (1st ed.). Shanghai: Shanghai Bookstore.
Shen, W., Chen, M., & Ji, X. (2020). Research on Women's Underwear and Aesthetic in Song Dynasty of China. Social Science and Humanities Journal, 4(3), 1827-1835.
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Tan, R. (2014). Styles and Fabrics of Trousers in the Images of Song Dynasty. Advanced Materials Research, 1048, 236-239. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.1048.236
Vainker, S. J. (2004). Chinese silk: A cultural history. New Jersey: British Museum Press.
傅伯星. (2016). 大宋衣冠 : 图说宋人服饰 (第1版 ed.). 上海: 上海古籍出版社.
牛犁, & 崔榮榮. (2020). 繡羅衣裳. 北京: 中國紡織出版有限公司.
Halbertsma-Herold, U. (2008). Clothing Authority: Mongol attire and textiles in the socio-political complex (Master’s thesis, Leiden University, Netherlands).
Hinsch, B. (2020). Women in Song and Yuan China. London: Rowman & Littlefield.
Huang, N. F., Chen, J. J., & Huang, G. (2013). Chinese Costumes: Seven Thousand Years of Chinese Costumes (Chinese Edition) [服飾中華—中華服飾七千年] (Vol. 2). China: Tsinghua University Press.
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Mao, H. W. (2021). The Art of Chinese Silks: Yuan Dynasty [中國歷代絲綢藝術:元代] (Vol. 5). Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press.
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Shea, E. L. (2018). Painted Silks: Form and Production of Women’s Court Dress in the Mongol Empire. The Textile Museum Journal, 45, 36-55.
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